Access all the documentation of our API.
Initial considerations
API of Acumbamail
The use of this API is restricted to programmers and people with advanced technological knowledge. Any feature that you want to perform through the API can also be performed through the web interface, so if you don't have technological knowledge, please use the web interface.
Customer identifier
Data to use our API
The auth token is required to authenticate yourself to our API. Please note that you will only see this information if you are logged into the site and that this data is unique to your account and not personal, do not share it with anyone outside your company. The information to be included in all calls is:
You must be logged in to see these values Enter here.
Call methods to functions
How you use the available functions
Our API is REST format, so it is independent from the language to be used. Calls are always made via through following endpoint:
This endpoint will receive the input parameters. Our recommendation, given that in most cases modifications will be made to the data stored in the database, is to use POST, although we also have the capacity to support GET requests.
Return values
Answer code for the functions
All functions, in addition to the specific data that they return in response to the request, will also return a html status code that we can enter. There is an specific code for each situation, which are the following:
Status code
Query successfully completed
Data successfully modified
Request failed: some invalid argument
Unauthorised, the authentication process has failed
Too many requests to an operation in a period of time
A server error has occurred. Please contact us to fix it
Special input values
Special parameters
In some cases, a dictionary is requested as an input parameter for the methods. For POST operations all parameters must be contained in the body as form-data, in order to code a dictionary in GET operation an example might be:
This endpoint will receive the input parameters. Our recommendation, given that in most cases modifications will be made to the data stored in the database, is to use POST, although we also have the capacity to support GET requests.
Output formats
Format for the answers to your requests
We initially support two response formats for requests. They are XML and JSON. The argument to specify in the calls is response_type and the possible values are 'json' and 'XML'. The default output format is JSON.